When All Else Fails - SHIT'LL BUFF

It's not just a brand. It's a lifestyle.

Mission Statement

Shit’ll Buff is a clothing brand that reflects the spirit and grit of people who face and overcome life’s challenges. We create high-quality, everyday apparel and accessories that match ANY lifestyle. Shit’ll Buff is not just a phrase, it’s a mindset. We embrace the challenges of life and know that we can conquer them.

Meet The Owner - Jared Scharf

I was born in New Jersey and raised on The Big Island Of Hawai'i. I grew up on the customs and morals of Hawai'i and how important community and aloha is. I started surfing when I was 11 and fell in love with the ocean. Surfing was both therapeutic and spiritual for me. It made me feel connected and at peace. And eventually I was a part of a community. I graduated in 2019 and with my passion for the ocean I wanted to become a marine biologist. But instead, I ended up going into the Marine Corps. I served as an aviation ordnance technician for 4 years. And now being fresh out of the corps I reside in Nevada with a fresh start and new beginnings.

I started using the phrase "Shit'll Buff" while serving in the military. Being in the military, you're constantly in a high stress environment while having a lot of responsibilities.  I've had both good and bad days. That's where the phrase "Shit'll Buff" came into play. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are because "Shit'll Buff ''. And after honorably completing my 4 years, I realized that "Shit'll Buff '' plays in my everyday life. No matter what happens, or when in doubt, or when all else fails - "Shit'll Buff!". I intend to use this platform to share that mentality and how it can be present in your everyday life. All while connecting with the community and helping spread awareness of real life problems.